In a recent survey, it was found that men fear losing their hair, either by it thinning, receding or by going bald completely, will make them unattractive in the eyes of others. It seems that lots of men worry about what others think about their hair loss. The survey revealed that men who have bald fathers tend to keep their own hair short, so that if the hair begins to fall out it wouldn’t be such a shock to lose it all. Artificial hair transplantation is fast becoming a popular method adopted by people who have hair loss, especially men who are going bald prematurely. This is a surgical procedure, and should be discussed with a reliable doctor that works from FUE Hongrie. They are expert in artificial hair transplant and does this for so many years since they existed in this field. Undertaking cheap or quack transplants will have adverse effects on your scalp. There are three general patterns of male pattern hair loss, and men can experience one of these patterns of hair loss or a mixture of all.
Receding Hairline
A receding hairline is one of the most common hair loss patterns, where the hair is lost at the temples, either side of the forehead, usually leaving a mound in the middle. This may sometimes be the only area of hair loss, but others may experience thinning at the crown as well. Some men will experience their hair thinning at the crown, which is at the back or top of the head. This can occur by itself or coincide with a receding hairline. Usually hair loss starts with thinning at the crown until the scalp becomes visible, and in time a bald patch may appear. This bald patch may grow wider until it meets the receding hairline, or it may stay at the top or back of the head and spread outwards in all directions to produce a circular baldness.
Thinning Crown
General thinning spreads evenly over the top of the scalp, and men will not get a distinct receding hairline or a thinning crown. With general thinning, the onset of hair loss is less obvious and takes longer to notice. One method of restoring hair to a follically challenged head is the FUE hair transplant technique. FUE involves taking healthy hair follicles from the scalp one by one and grafting them into the bald areas of the head. The surgeon transplants hair follicles into the same slot that contained previous hair, giving it a better chance of settling in permanently. This method of transplanting is very intricate and it requires special attention and care. This means the treatment is completed over a number of sessions and not performed in one long exhausting procedure. The grafts usually take in a few days and the redness caused by the treatment settles in under a week.…